PhD thesis supervision (CIFRE) – Thomas Ravelet
- Title (french): Evaluation Sécuritaire de Composants Avancés par Techniques Optiques Combinées
- Company: ALPhANOV
- My role: Supervisor
- Duration: 3 years
PhD thesis supervision – Hugo Perrin
- Title (english): Simulating and Modelling the Effects of Thermal Laser Stimulation on Integrated Circuit
- My role: Supervisor
- Duration: 3 years
- Funding: Mines Saint-Étienne
- Title (english): Edu4Chip
- Description: Edu4Chip brings together a strong team of partners consisting of five universities, one research, one research institute, and three SMEs as beneficiaries supported formally by one SME and two industrial partners as associated partners and informally by several additional companies. The main objective of Edu4Chip is the joint development of new and the improvement of existing advanced circuit design master-level course programs at the university level, which provide students with the theoretical and practical skills to become chip designers entering the European labor market and help in this way to close the skills gap.
- My role: Researcher and Teacher
- Duration: 4 years
- Funding: European Union
Train Cyber Experts
- Title (english): Train Cyber Experts
- Description: The Train-Cyber-Expert project aims to build educational resources, in the form of digital content and technological platforms, organized into skills blocks, with a focus on modularity, reusability, and competency-centered pedagogy leading to certifications. These resources will be deployed among partners to enhance or strengthen their training offerings. As the core business of academic partners is master’s level diplomas (Bac+5, level 7), the main training offer will be oriented towards this level of qualification. They will develop a range of programs including master’s degrees, specialized master’s degrees, specialized engineering degrees in cybersecurity, and post-master’s programs, with a focus on apprenticeships to facilitate participants’ professional integration. The proposed training programs will be submitted to France Compétences for inclusion in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) and specific register, and will also be submitted to ANSSI for SecNumEdu and SecNumEdu-FC labeling.
- My role: Researcher and Teacher
- Duration: 4 years
- Funding: ANR
- Title (french): Coopération BRAsil-France pour la formation d’IngénIeurs dans les domaines d’exploration de micro et nano SATellites phase 2
- Title (english): BRAsil-France Cooperation for the Training of Engineers in the fields of micro and nano SATellites exploration phase 2
- Description: the BRAFISAT-2 project aims to establish a collaborative network between French and Brazilian universities specializing in the design, manufacture, and qualification of nano-satellites. This project aims to train engineers capable of meeting the challenges associated with microelectronics, electronics, telecommunications, and embedded systems of these small, lightweight spacecraft, as well as other applications requiring knowledge in various electronics fields.
- My role: General Coordination (France)
- Duration: 3 years
- Website:
- Funding: CDEFI (France) and CAPES (Brazil)
- Title (portuguese): Desenvolvimento de Circuito Integrado para Satelites usando Biblioteca de Células Robusta à Radiação
- Title (english): Integrated Circuit Development for Satellites using Robust Radiation-Hardened Cell Library
- My role: Researcher
- Duration: 3 years
- Funding: CNPq
- Title (french): Architectures Sécurisées pour le Numérique Embarqué (ARSENE) –
- Title (english): Secure architectures for embedded digital systems
- My role: Researcher
- Website:
- Duration: 5 years
- Funding: PEPR Cybersécurité
- Title: Power-Off laser attacks on security Primitives
- Duration: 4 years
- My role: Researcher
- Funding: ANR PRC
PhD thesis supervision (CIFRE) – Rodrigo Silva Lima
- Title (french): Techniques d’attaques sans contact par sondage optique via la face arrière des circuits intégrés
- Company: ALPhANOV
- My role: Supervisor
- Duration: 3 years
PhD thesis supervision (CIFRE) – Hafsa El Alami
- Title (french): Caractérisation et développement de contremesures faces aux techniques de sondage des circuits intégrés sécurisés
- Company: ST Microelectronics
- My role: Supervisor
- Duration: 3 years
PhD thesis supervision – William Souza Cruz
- Title (french): Conception d’un modèle compact pour la simulation de l’injection de fautes par laser dans les circuits intégrés
- Title (english): Design of a compact model for simulating laser-induced fault injection in integrated circuits
- My role: supervisor
- Duration: 3 years
- Funding: Emplois Jeunes Doctorants 2019 de la région PACA [link]